For the upcoming months the IACC will launch different initiatives, refocusing its efforts on its membership and on the local business community needs.
These new initiatives will be part of a new strategy aiming to increase the membership base of the Chamber and its capability to be appealing to a broader and qualified range of businesses. The new program will include events such as:
-Business breakfasts: the ideal event for you to present your company’s products / services to the other members, especially if you are new to the Chamber and interested in introducing yourself to the other members.
-Business seminars: the ideal platform to present your expertise on relevant topics of general interests to the local business community. The first series of seminars will focus on the following topics:
“Import taxes reform and logistic solutions for Italian exporters in US”;
“Financial planning for Italian small/medium size companies in the US market”;
“Insurance planning for small companies. The peculiarities of the US market”
“The job market and human resources management tools”
Each seminar will include a keynote speaker and a panel of 4-5 industry experts.
-Signature promotional events: high level events created to give exposure to Italian products / services enhancing the visibility of different sectors of the Made in Italy; i.e. “The Best of Italian Design”, “The Italian Culinary Tour” and “The Italian Shopping Experience”.
If you are an IACC member and you are interested in becoming a sponsor or hosting an event, please let us know by sending an email to