Upcoming IACC initiatives

For the upcoming months the IACC will launch different initiatives, refocusing its efforts on its membership and on the local business community needs.
These new initiatives will be part of a new strategy aiming to increase the membership base of the Chamber and its capability to be appealing to a broader and qualified range of businesses.  The new program will include events such as:
-Business breakfasts: the ideal event for you to present your company’s products / services to the other members, especially if you are new to the Chamber and interested in introducing yourself to the other members.
-Business seminars: the ideal platform to present your expertise on relevant topics of general interests to the local business community. The  first series of seminars will focus on the following topics:
“Import taxes reform and logistic solutions for Italian exporters in US”;
“Financial planning for Italian small/medium size companies in the US market”;
“Insurance planning for small companies. The peculiarities of the US market”
“The job market and human resources management tools”
Each seminar will include a keynote speaker and a panel of 4-5 industry experts.
 -Signature promotional events: high level events created to give exposure to Italian products / services enhancing the visibility of different sectors of the Made in Italy; i.e. “The Best of Italian Design”, “The Italian Culinary Tour” and “The Italian Shopping Experience”.
If you are an IACC member and you are interested in becoming a sponsor or hosting an event, please let us know by sending an email to info@iaccse.com.


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