The IACCSE wants to help you navigate through the overwhelming
information that is out there, by saving you time and guiding you
through what is most useful to your business right now.

We have created a dedicated space for relief options and
other available resources on important matters related to Covid-19 crisis:

  • U.S. Small Business Administration – DISASTER ASSISTANCE
    Read here
    Read here
    Read here
  • The Beacon Council – COVID-19 UPDATES AND RESOURCES
    Read here
    Read here
    Read here
    Read here
  • Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico – ECONOMIC SUPPORT FOR COMPANIES IN ITALY (in Italian)
    Read here
  • Consulate of Italy – COVID-19: CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE (in Italian)
    Read here 


Feel free to share this information and help the community together with us!

For our businesses. For our community.

“This moment humanity is going through can be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. If they repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, they will fall into the hole. But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of yourself and others, you will cross the portal.”
-White Eagle, indigenous Hopi elder, March 2020
Dear IACCSE Members and Friends,
As the spread of coronavirus has touched just about every aspect of our daily lives, we at the IACCSE fully understand our responsibility to keep doing what we do best: support our Members and our business community through information, collaboration, and innovation.
During this time of social distancing, to ensure business continuity, we are working harder than ever on new forms of online engagement and virtual tools available to you: webinars, virtual business breakfasts, the business expert channel (a valuable video marketing tool soon available to you), to keep maximizing your exposure and promotion in the market.
We are going through this only if we stay together, day by day, doing our part in working to make a positive impact on our community in a moment in time when it is vital to stay united.
Being aware of what you can share in terms of expertise and being connected with other entrepreneurs, is what matters the most today.
It is crucial to support one another and stick together by sharing ideas, and leveraging the IACCSE’s assets available to each one of you (website, social media pages, newsletter and other), in order to stay responsive and resilient in the midst of  the current COVID-19 crisis and to plan a new growth once the emergency is over.
The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce mission is to act as your beacon.
In times like this one, the Membership to the Chamber becomes an even more powerful ally, making you feel part of a group, a community in which no one stands alone, yet is part of a robust business network defined by creativity and integrity. 
We therefore encourage you to keep supporting each other, stay connected with the Chamber, taking an active role and participating whenever possible to our initiatives, especially in these unprecedented times.
We are deeply grateful for those of you that have showed continued support and partnership and for being with us, as we work through this emergency.
We are here for you.

Tommaso Cardana
Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast

Programmi di sostegno economico USA per le piccole e medie imprese – Sintesi in lingua italiana

La Italy-America Chamber of Commerce è in prima linea per orientare le proprie aziende associate, in questo momento di emergenza.

Ora più che mai, la nostra missione è quella di far sì che la business community italiana negli USA usufruisca della nostra rete di contatti e siano continuamente aggiornata sulle misure di aiuto messe in campo dal governo americano.

Abbiamo dunque preparato un riassunto in lingua italiana delle principali linee di finanziamento e prestiti a basso interesse erogati dalla U.S. Small Business Administration come risposta all’emergenza sanitaria COVID-19.

L’informativa comprende una lista di programmi di prestito disponibili da subito per le piccole e medie imprese e delinea quali sono i requisiti minimi, i termini, le modalità, e le scadenze relative.

Il pacchetto informativo è disponibile qui:



A few things to HELP LOCAL BUSINESSES from the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast


In these unprecedented difficult times for Italy and for the US, we encourage all businesses to support one another.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Purchase a gift card to use at a later date (retail, restaurant, grocery store, etc.).
  • Take advantage of takeout curbside service and free delivery offers from local Italian restaurants.
  • Don’t cancel your event –postpone it! #dontcancelpostpone
  • Shop local for the next 30 days for all daily needs, even if on-line only.
    This is very important: Support your local small businesses.
  • We are happy to promote all our members’ activities. Share a special offer you would like to make our membership aware of.Send us a 1 min. video presenting yourself, your business, your special offer, and how to contact you. We will share it on IACCSE social media with our own networks (please horizontal video only, keep your phone steady while recording, 1min. max.). Send your video to 786-271-7673.
  • Comment, engage and offer support on in IACCSE social media platforms; use the #InThisTogether and #ItalyAmericaChamberSoutheast hashtags.
  • Stay connected to the Chamber and engage through our webinars.Consider renewing your membership. If you are not a member yet consider supporting the only Italian business community organization in the US Southeast. Find here more information on how to become a member:
  • …And please remember: Made in Italy products are safe and available on the market.
    Italy took the hardest hit due to Coronavirus. Purchasing Italian products is an act of love and care for our friends and families.




In this time of uncertainty the IACCSE’s effort is focused on offering its Members a new set of services to continue its initiatives and the promotion of their businesses by leveraging reliable online technologies.

As the current emergency has compromised face-to-face interactions and meetings, the IACCSE is offering a new WEBINAR service, an online event, which allows our trusted Members to connect with other members and business owners and to share their expertise.

Relevant business subjects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Smart Working: Best Practices for Working in Digital, Mobile, and Secure Environments
  • Corona Virus impact on businesses: check your insurance policy options
  • HR management: best practices in times of economic crisis
  • Covid-19: Medium term economic and financial scenario for the USA
  • Time to ask a commercial lease relief: how to deal with your landlord

Organized with the support of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce, this easy-to-use service consists of a live online presentation held by the Member in real-time, who opens up a forum-like informative discussion through a business webinar platform (Zoom), targeting an audience of local and Italian entrepreneurs.



  • Webinar platform for your online presentation, including the possibility of sharing a PowerPoint presentation;
  • E-blast communication to 300+ existing IACCSE Members and 3,000+ IACCSE business contact list of Entrepreneurs and Managers in the Southeast;
  • Post on IACCSE’s social media platforms about the webinar;
  • Member’s logo across overall communications;
  • Final webinar attendee list;
  • Option to send PowerPoint Presentation to final attendee list after webinar is over


  • $450 per webinar (IACCSE members only)





  • Be proactive and reassure your audiences by addressing their concerns and demonstrating your expertise and added value as an Expert in your field
  • Communicate simultaneously with entrepreneurs from Italy and U.S.A and gain immediate exposure
  • Expand your business connections and get a chance to e-meet Italian and local Entrepreneurs and Managers
  • Smart investment where you can deliver tremendous value at an affordable price
  • Leverage the IACCSE’s reputation and extensive network to confirm your professional firm’s authority



If you are interested in taking advantage of this profitable initiative,
please fill out the application form
and send it to




Last year over 14 million US citizens visited Italy. USA is the second top country in number of visitors to Italy, after Germany.

The Italian Chambers of Commerce network is often in the forefront in the promotion of Italy as a destination.

Our Chamber in Miami has confirmed a partnership with the Amalfi Coast Convention Bureau ( to promote MICE tourism to iconic destinations such as Ravello, Positano or Sorrento.

If you are an American MICE tour operator with a special interest on this destination, please contact us at to learn more about this project and to participate to our fam trips to Amalfi Coast planned by the end of 2020.

Whether you are looking to organize a conference, seminar, team-building or any other corporate event, we would be delighted to assist.

The Amalfi Coast Convention Bureau formula is simple: a passion for hospitality and service, painstaking attention to detail and an ongoing requirement for quality. They are continually on hand to assist their customers.

The Amalfi Coast Convention Bureau design, develop and deliver corporate events, collaborating with multi-professional teams to manage every aspect of the services selected.

Get in touch and give to your customers a taste of Southern Italy: the unforgettable Amalfi Coast.


Within the project, starting from December 2019, the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce carried out the following activities:

  • Dedicated desk within the office of the Chamber of Commerce in Miami for a period of 12 months for the distribution to visitors of information material.
  • Dedicated senior resource of the Italy – America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (IACCSE) to follow the promotion on behalf of Rete Alta Costiera.
  • Creation of a verified database of about 50 US operators in the MICE tourism sector, including all contact details.
  • Promotional mailing to the aforementioned tour operators on the opportunity to get to know the MICE offer of the Rete Alta Costiera and to participate in the Fam Trip.
  • Follow-up by phone to selected tour operators.
  • Meetings with selected tour operators in Florida to illustrate the project and the MICE offer of Rete Alta Costiera.
  • Collection of declarations of interest by US tour operators to participate in the Fam trip.
  • Promotion of the project on the communication tools of the Chamber of Commerce, such as monthly newsletter, website, Facebook page.
  • Promotion of the tourist offer of Rete Alta Costiera Network during 2 events with the Italian-American business community of Miami (business breakfasts).


POR Campania FESR 2014/2020
CUP B25F19000800007

Programma di Internazionalizzazione rivolto all’apertura verso i mercati target USA, Russia, EAU, UK, Argentina

Progetto cofinanziato dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale




As part of Italy-America Chamber of Commerce’s mission to promote trade between Italy and the U.S.A, we continuously encourage and support every step of the way Italian businesses to open in the U.S.A.

This is why we are offering a new initiative that provides our Members a chance to be heard and to be known widely to their potential clients.

This initiative, specifically created for our Members in the professional service fields, will include a collection of visually engaging and informative videos about how to export Italian business to the U.S.

Each Member has the opportunity to showcase its professional services through a 8-minute interview-like video and to educate its audiences about the many implications and export regulations when doing business in the U.S. (e.g. export regulations, U.S. tax law, real estate due diligence and investment, Visa regulations, trade counseling and other).

Through this powerful video channel, each Member may become a recognized expert by gaining maximum and immediate visibility and by extensively amplifying its reach among Italian entrepreneurs.

The final video will be then shared through the IACCSE’s online channels (website, YouTube) and promoted on a social media campaign to a profiled target of Italian entrepreneurs, making it a powerful asset for each Member’s sales and marketing needs. The IACCSE video collection will be also promoted through Assocamerestero website and social media.

The video is produced by the IACCSE and the discounted fee is $1,900 for our Members only.

Download the Business Expert Channel – Experts’ Package to learn more:

Experts’ Package


If you are interested in signing up for this initiative, please fill out the form at page 10 of the media kit.

For more information please visit or contact



Do you have a need for an INTERN? We’ve got you covered

Italy-America Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Consulate of Italy in Miami and ODLI is promoting an exciting internship program for our Members!

The program includes local students currently enrolled in Italian language studies in High-schools (K-12) and Universities.

Based on the specific request of each company, the Education Office of the Consulate of Italy will identify the right candidate for the position.

At the end of the internship program, each student will provide a complete review and feedback about the internship experience and best practices will be showcased throughout the IACCSE and the Consulate of Italy in Miami’s online resources.

If you are interested in joining this initiative, please download and fill out the form at this link.

Please e-mail it back to by April 15th, 2020.

This is a WIN-WIN opportunity for both the participating Member and the students.

This initiative will be an opportunity for our Members to have access to valuable and motivated young trainees.

This experience also enriches the student’s career pathand enables the development of Italian studies in Florida.


Important information to assist Florida Businesses affected by COVID-19

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced the activation of the Business Damage Assessment survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on Florida’s local business operations.

The survey, managed by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), will evaluate businesses affected by COVID-19 and the impacts the virus has had on the local economy so actions to implement appropriate relief programs can begin.

The Business Damage Assessment Survey can be taken online at

Results from this survey will be shared with state agencies and local partners. Surveys submitted by small businesses can be used to access the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan, made available for COVID-19 through the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act.

For inquiries or assistance with the survey, businesses can contact Emergency Support Function 18at



The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Upon a request received from a state’s or territory’s Governor, SBA will issue under its own authority, as provided by the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act that was recently signed by the President, an Economic Injury Disaster Loan declaration.


  • Any such Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance declaration issued by the SBA makes loans available to small businesses and private, non-profit organizations in designated areas of a state or territory to help alleviate economic injury caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance will coordinate with the state’s or territory’s Governor to submit the request for Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance.
  • Once a declaration is made for designated areas within a state, the information on the application process for Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance will be made available to all affected communities as well as updated on their website:
  • SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans offer up to $2 million in assistance per small business and can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing.
  • These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. The interest rate is 3.75% for small businesses without credit available elsewhere; businesses with credit available elsewhere are not eligible. The interest rate for non-profits is 2.75%.
  • SBA offers loans with long-term repayments in order to keep payments affordable, up to a maximum of 30 years. Terms are determined on a case-by-case basis, based upon each borrower’s ability to repay.
  • SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans are just one piece of the expanded focus of the federal government’s coordinated response, and the SBA is strongly committed to providing the most effective and customer-focused response possible.

Visit for more information.



Miami Design District – DATE TBC

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce in Miami will present the Food Design Masterclass initiative (DATE TBC).

Hosted in five prominent Italian furniture showrooms located in the trendy Miami Design District – the Food Design Masterclass will start at 6.00 pm.

The Masterclass is aimed at promoting the knowledge of genuine Italian products, and the use of PDO (Protected Denomination of Origin)  and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) products for the preparation of authentic dishes in a creative way.

5 top Italian chefs – one in each venue – will create dishes expressing the chef’s personal interpretation of “food design”, from the aesthetic to the conceptual aspect, always referring to a common inspiration: the Italian culture and the use of authentic Italian ingredient.

The five invited Chefs are:

  • Francesco Alvino, Chef at Macellaio RC – performing at Kartell showroom;
  • Marco Giugliano, Chef at Doma Wynwood – performing at Linea Studio showroom;
  • Fabio Vaccarella, Chef at Casa Del Mare – performing at Minotti showroom;
  • Massimo Giannattasio, Chef at Cibo Wine Bar – performing at Poliform showroom;
  • Carlo Donadoni, Chef at Spuntino Catering – performing at the Moore Building.

A group of influencers formed by journalists, food bloggers and food industry professionals will be guided in a culinary tour around the 5 venues of the Design District and will finally vote for their favorite chef/dish.

The initiative is organized within the frame of the True Italian Taste project (, for the promotion of authentic Italian food and cuisine among American influencers and food bloggers and local consumers.


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