Message from IACCSE President

Dear Members and friends of the Italy America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (IACCSE),

As the calendar turns to 2023, I want to take the time to reach out to our membership, both new and longstanding, to thank you for making our Chamber of Commerce a continued success.

If you have been to any of our many initiatives in the last year, you have seen the energy and camaraderie present at the Chamber’s many events.

2022 has been again another positive year for our organization with a +20 in revenues in operational revenues in comparison with the previous year, becoming the second best year in the history of the Chamber.

This year, the Chamber will again offer a very exciting calendar of activities that includes: our traditional Business Breakfasts, the European Chambers networking cocktails, seminars on relevant business topics, the 4th edition of our “The Best of Italian Design” or the 4th edition of the Authentic Italian Food & Wine Festival.

We will also work jointly in partnership with important Italian organizations as the Chamber of Commerce of Turin or the Veneto Region to help small companies to introduce their products in the US market.

As always, the IACCSE will work on promoting networking opportunities among its members, provide orientation to many small Italian businesses approaching for the first time the US market and to create great events to showcase Made in Italy products and services.

The Board is planning to implement new benefits to offer to our members, so they can enjoy more tangible advantages, like access to first-class business training offered in collaboration with Florida International University.

All of you that may have any viable ideas on how to improve our services please send it to

We are always very happy to receive any advice or ideas to keep innovating.

The Chamber presents an opportunity for all members to grow their network, and in turn, grow their business. It can allow you to forge professional and personal relationships which can last for many years.

I invite all of you to make the connections and be active in what I believe is one of the best resources our community has at its fingertips.

I would like to wish you all a prosper and Happy New Year!

Thank you again for your precious support to our non-profit organization.


Tommaso Cardana


Previsioni economiche positive per la Florida nel 2023

Per il 2023, la Florida Chamber Foundation (FCF) prevede un altro anno positivo di crescita demografica ed economica per il Sunshine State, come rivelato durante il suo 2023 Florida Economic Outlook & Jobs Solution Summit.

“Siamo entusiasti perché il 2023 sarà un altro anno di crescita demografica per la Florida, con una forte migrazione di ricchezza, più posti di lavoro e crescita economica”, ha dichiarato il presidente della Camera di Commercio della Florida e della FCF, Mark Wilson.

Il 2023 sarà un altro anno di forte crescita occupazionale: le imprese della Florida hanno creato 699.800 posti di lavoro dal 2019. La Florida è stata infatti uno dei primi quattro Stati a recuperare completamente i posti di lavoro ai livelli pre-Covid, con addirittura 487.400 posti di lavoro in più rispetto al periodo pre-pandemia. Nonostante la minaccia di una recessione nazionale, si stima che la Florida creerà più di 250.000 posti di lavoro nel 2023, continuando a mantenere la sua leadership come motore della crescita del mercato occupazionale.

La crescita della popolazione rimarrà forte. Dopo un anno, il 2022, in cui la Florida ha aggiunto più di 416.000 residenti, la FCF prevede una crescita di circa 350.000 nuovi residenti nel 2023, mentre i tassi di interesse aumentano, i timori di recessione si rafforzano e la scarsa fiducia dei consumatori a livello nazionale frena la migrazione interna. Attualmente la Florida aggiunge circa 1.000 nuovi residenti netti al giorno, di cui circa la metà proviene da un altro Stato e la metà da un altro Paese.

La disponibilità di forza lavoro e il tasso di partecipazione continueranno però a destare preoccupazione: Il tasso di disoccupazione in Florida continuerà ad essere inferiore alla media nazionale del 3,5% – attualmente la Florida è al 2,7%. Continueranno ad esserci più posti di lavoro vacanti che persone in cerca di lavoro. Infatti, attualmente per ogni 100 posti di lavoro aperti in Florida, ci sono solo 62 persone in cerca di occupazione.

L’economia della Florida è più preparata a gestire gli alti e bassi dell’economia nazionale rispetto alla maggior parte degli Stati. Mentre l’economia statunitense entrava in recessione, il PIL della Florida ha continuato a crescere. Ora che l’economia nazionale è uscita dalla recessione, ci si aspetta una forte crescita del PIL della Florida nel 2023.

L’inflazione sarà una preoccupazione significativa per i consumatori e le imprese nonostante le diminuzioni previste a fronte del calo del costo dell’energia dovuto alla minore domanda e dell’aumento dei tassi di interesse da parte della Federal Reserve.

Anche il mercato immobiliare tornerà ai livelli precedenti alla pandemia, ma senza una forte erosione dei prezzi: La Florida Chamber Foundation prevede circa 280.000-290.000 vendite (simili ai livelli pre-pandemici) in Florida, e che la Florida terminerà il 2023 con un prezzo di vendita mediano di 380.000 dollari, circa il 5% in meno rispetto al 2022.

La Florida continuerà a guidare la migrazione dei redditi. Gli ultimi dati disponibili dell’IRS mostrano 23,7 miliardi di dollari di migrazione annuale netta del reddito e la FCF prevede che questa cifra continuerà a crescere, considerate le opportunità economiche, le normative meno onerose, le eccellenti opportunità di istruzione, l’assenza di imposte statali sul reddito e una migliore qualità della vita che la Florida ha da offrire.

Fonte: Florida Chambers of Commerce

ITA Airways launches new carbon program in collaboration with CHOOOSE


Rome, 22 December 2022 – ITA Airways is partnering with Norwegian climate tech company CHOOOSE to offer passengers the ability to calculate and address the CO2 emissions of their flights by supporting certified carbon offset projects with both environmental and social benefits and the acceleration of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) adoption.


As a first step in an ongoing collaboration, ITA Airways’ carbon program will provide travelers with insight into their flight-related CO2 emissions and support them in addressing the impact of their flights.


By visiting, ITA Airways customers can support the use of SAF and certified carbon offset projects.


SAF is made from more sustainable materials (or feedstocks) and can reduce emissions by up to 80% compared to fossil-based jet fuel. Scaling SAF will dramatically reduce the emissions associated with aviation. Travelers’ help can accelerate the adoption of this innovative fuel, as SAF is currently much more expensive than conventional jet fuel.


The climate projects selected by ITA Airways in collaboration with industry experts are certified by various credible and internationally recognized carbon certification standards such as the VCS, the Gold Standard, American Carbon Registry, and Climate Action Reserve.


“ITA Airways is committed to a CO2 emissions reduction plan, including the renewal of its fleet, which will feature 80% new generation aircraft by 2026, with the consequent downscaling of 1.3 million tons of CO2 emissions. A challenging goal, perfectly in line with the ICAO net-zero 2050 aviation commitment” said Fabio Maria Lazzerini, CEO and General Director of ITA Airways. “We are therefore proud of partnering with CHOOOSE on this carbon program. Relying on well-informed passengers and engaging them in environmentally friendly initiatives, represents a significant step forward in our journey towards decarbonization.”


“We are very excited to work with ITA Airways to take this step toward decarbonizing the air travel sector. We look forward to inviting every passenger to join us on the sustainability journey,” said CHOOOSE co- founder and CEO, Andreas Slettvoll.


Sustainability is a key topic for ITA Airways. The company was founded with the ambition of becoming the greenest airline in Europe, as well as an efficient and innovative one.


The vision and commitment of ITA Airways towards Sustainability is fully expressed in the Sustainability Manifesto, which presents ITA Airways responsibilities towards the planet and people and the way the Company intends to generate value.


About ITA Airways

ITA Airways is a company totally owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance for the exercise of business in the air transport sector. ITA Airways aims at creating an efficient and innovative air carrier that will become a reference point in providing Italy with quality connectivity both in terms of international destinations, thus boosting tourism and foreign trade, and within the Country, also taking advantage of the train-air integrated mobility. ITA Airways will place the best customer service at the center of its strategy (through a strong digitization of processes that ensure a best-in-class experience and personalized services), combined with sustainability, in its environmental (new green and technologically advanced aircraft, use of sustainable fuels), social (equality and inclusion for a gender-neutral company) and governance (integration of sustainability into internal strategies and processes) aspects. ITA Airways is a memberof SkyTeam alliance as of October 2021.


For press information:
Nicolò Mardegan – Head of Corporate Communication and Institutional Relations ITA Airways | Mail:



CHOOOSE™ is a climate tech company headquartered in Oslo, Norway, that builds digital tools so that everyone, anywhere, can easily integrate climate action into everyday life and business. Through flexible integrations, automated carbon emission calculations, and a connected marketplace of certified climate solutions, CHOOOSE delivers a complete platform that enables its partners to build and manage high-impact climate programs. Learn more at


For press information:
Celine Marie Moe – Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, CHOOOSE | Mail:

Record di aumento del costo della vita nelle grandi città americane

Il rapporto pubblicato nel dicembre 2022 dalla The Economist Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU), “Worldwide Cost of Living 2022” (WCOL) rivela come l’inflazione globale abbia colpito nell’ultimo anno le 172 maggiori città del mondo, con una crescita media dei prezzi dell’8,1% rispetto all’anno precedente.

Secondo il rapporto della EIU, New York e Singapore si aggiudicano a pari merito il primato come città più costose del mondo. La Grande Mela raggiunge quindi la metropoli del Sud Est Asiatico, sul podio negli ultimi otto anni. Entrambe le città nel 2022 hanno sorpassato la capofila del precedente report 2021, Tel Aviv.

L’indice WCOL mostra inoltre l’impatto di un dollaro forte con conseguente crescita dei tassi di interesse e la scelta di investimenti più sicuri da parte degli investitori. Tutte le 22 città statunitensi prese in esame dal report scalano le posizioni che avevano raggiunto nei rapporti precedenti. Tra le dieci città che scalano più posizioni, ovvero dove la crescita del costo della vita ha avuto un incremento notevole, sei sono americane (Atlanta, Charlotte, Indianapolis, San Diego, Portland e Boston). Tre importanti città degli Stati Uniti scalano le classifiche e si attestano tra le dieci città al mondo con il costo della vita più alto: New York (1° posizione), Los Angeles (4° posizione) e San Francisco (6° posizione).

A livello globale, l’aumento più rapido dei prezzi è stato registrato per la benzina (come nel 2021), che ha subito un’impennata del 22% in termini di valuta locale. Anche i prezzi delle utenze come l’elettricità, i generi alimentari e i beni di prima necessità per la casa sono aumentati rapidamente. Per contro, i prezzi di beni e servizi ricreativi sono stati contenuti in un certo senso riflettendo una domanda più debole, in quanto i consumatori potrebbero concentrare le loro spese, in tempi di crisi e incertezze, su beni considerati essenziali.


The Economist – Economic Intelligence Unit  –

Italian Business Community Night | December 8, 2022


WHEN  Thursday –  December 8, 2022


WHERE  MAPS Backlot (342 NW 24th St, Miami, FL 33127)



Join the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast for a unique night with the Italian Business Community in the U.S. Southeast.

A great opportunity to network among a public of entrepreneurs, international executives, local authorities, Italian diplomats, selected journalists, and lifestyle bloggers.

The 2022 Italian Business Community Night includes:

  • 250 guests among entrepreneurs and international executives
  • Networking Cocktail with exhibitors’ area for product showcasing
  • Speakers’ presentation about trade & investments between Italy and the US Southeast
  • Pillar Award recognizing long-standing members of the Chamber
  • Dinner presenting selected Italian food & wines
  • DJ set



Registration closed on Monday, December 5th

No ticket at the door


IACCSE Members




For further information about tickets:






Watch here the recap videos of the past gala events:


2021 Gala Night


2018 Gala Night


2016 Gala Night



Recognition to Chamber’s longstanding members

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast, in the context of the Italian Business Community Night, will recognize with the Pillar Award, its longstanding members, to acknowledge the great support dedication and commitment to all of those who have contributed to our mission of strengthening trade and business relationships between Italy and the United States.

This year the Chamber will recognize

25 years membership anniversary:

15 years membership anniversary:

A great success for the Best of Italian Design

The third edition of The Best of Italian Design / Food Design Night, on November 11th has been another outstanding event that had a great turnout despite the menace of storm Nicole in South Florida. We had hundreds of guests visiting different showrooms within the Miami Design District and Edgewater area.

The first part of the event was a wonderful opportunity to showcase some of the most important brands of Italian interior design, where local professionals had the opportunity of networking with Italian design companies.

We also had the opportunity to learn more about the latest trends in the market through talks held by well-known architects and designers.

During the evening, The Food Design Night opened its doors to hundreds of design and food lovers who had a taste of some of locals Chefs’ creations. Six showrooms hosted a synergic party were besides Italian food and wines, the protagonist was obviously Italian high-end furniture products.

We want to give a special thank you to all the sponsors of the event:

Presenting Sponsor:


Oro Sponsors:

 Addison House

Argento Sponsors:

A special acknowledgement goes also to the Italian Trade Agency – Miami office for the great partnership and to the other partners:

ASIDIIDAConsulate General of ItalyFIU College of BusinessMiami Design District.

Watch here the video recap of the event (2 min.)

New Interactive Dining Experiences

by Toscana Divino

Chef Andrea Marchesin and his culinary team believe in honoring all of the local ingredients they use in the kitchen while presenting them in an elegant, fun, and approachable way. To share his love for the art of food, we have created two intimate monthly dining series showcasing our team’s culinary creativity inspired by art, nature, and the science of multi-sensory flavor perception.

Each dinner will provide 16 special guests, with an exclusive and beyond-ordinary experience that will remain etched in their memories forever.

  • Masterclass: Join Chef Andrea Marchesin for an immersive behind-the-scenes dining experience where you’ll learn firsthand all the secrets and techniques involved in the making of one of our most beloved classics: our Fiorentina.
  • Specialty Dinner: Our newest dining experience welcomes foodies to savor the premium taste of expertly aged ingredients. Through the process of aging, our culinary team further enhances the flavors for an unparalleled dining experience.
  • Pic-nic:Join us at Toscana Divino for a Specialty Dinner where you’ll enjoy a one-of-a-kind picnic experience paired with some of our best wines. Expertly curated by our Executive Chef Andrea Marchesin.
  • Fermento: Bring your curious taste-buds and open minds to this Specialty dinner as we explore the microbial world of fermentation processes through a one-of-a-kind menu expertly curated by Chef Andrea Marchesin.
  • Musa: This Specialty Dinner honors Miami’s famous annual Art Basel Fair as well as some of the great artists of the world. Our culinary team, led by Chef Andrea Marchesin will recreate masterpieces through every course.



Pininfarina of America is a great place to work for the second year in a row 

Pininfarina of America, the U.S. arm of the iconic Italian design firm, Pininfarina, is proud to be Certified™ by Great Place to Work® for the second year in a row. This year, 96% of employees said it’s a great place to work – 39 points higher than the average U.S. company.

The prestigious award, released by the global authority on workplace culture, employee experience, and the leadership, is based entirely on what current employees say about their experience working at Pininfarina of America.

“Receiving this recognition for the second year in a row has been an incredible honor and proves that our ongoing commitment and continued initiatives further our mission of cultivating a culture that celebrates passion, trust, and a sense of belonging,” says Claudio Da Soller, general manager at Pininfarina of America. “We look forward to utilizing this opportunity as motivation to further improve and enhance Pininfarina’s dynamic team as we grow both our Miami studio and our New York presence.”

As an organization, whose design portfolio includes multiple projects in product and user-experience, as well as architecture, interiors, nautical, aviation and transportation, Pininfarina strongly believes in human-centered design –– a values-driven foundation that translates directly to its inclusive workplace culture and mirrors the key tenants of the Great Place to Work® platform: pride, respect, and openness. Comprised of a diverse team from a variety of countries, Pininfarina of America has embraced this framework with a well-rounded perspective on the firm’s pioneering pursuit of innovative built solutions with the ultimate goal of improving quality of life.


Food Design Night | November 10, 2022


WHEN  Thursday –  November 10, 2022


WHERE  Italian Showroom in the Miami Design Distrcit







The Food Design Night, is the one-of-a-kind event taking place in synergy, within the framework of the event “The Best of Italian Design”, in the most prestigious Italian furniture showrooms in the heart of the Miami Design District.


The event is open to food & lifestyle influencers, interior designers, architects, and design lovers who want to be present where the Italian signature cuisine meets the iconic Italian design.


Every showroom will host a themed food tasting paired with Italian wines, and the focus will be particularly on the design, arrangement and presentation of the dishes.


Italian chefs, each assigned to a different Italian showroom, will showcase their signature dish according to their personal interpretation of “food design”, from the aesthetical to the conceptual aspect, always referring to a common inspiration: the Italian culture and the use of authentic Italian ingredients – exclusively using authentic Italian products.



6:00pm-8:00pm | FOOD DESIGN NIGHT (Different locations in the Miami Design District)

Discover new trends in Italian showrooms, while Top Italian chefs perform a food design demonstration.


8:00pm-10:00pm | FOOD DESIGN AFTERPARTY (Visionnaire Showroom)





Addison House has set the standard for Luxury Living for over 30 years representing top furniture brands from Italy and Brazil. The company represents high-quality crafted contemporary furniture, lighting & accessories with showrooms in Aventura, Design District & Doral. Their showrooms are the go-to source for designers, architects, developers, and homeowners who are in search of Luxurious and Livable furnishings. 



B&B Italia is an internationally renowned Italian Group leader in the high-end designer furniture sector. The B&B Italia Group works in the residential and contract sectors (hospitality, retail, offices, and nautical) with its four brands, B&B Italia, Maxalto, Arclinea, and Azucena. The company has a total of 600 employees and a presence in more than 80 countries through 70 single-brand stores and 1000 specialized stores. Since December 2018, B&B Italia has been a part of Design Holding, the world’s largest European group in the high-end designer sector.



Linea Studio is a luxury Italian furnishing company with a showroom in the iconic Miami Design District as well as in luxurious Palm Beach.  Since 2005 Linea Studio has been designing and delivering stunning Italian kitchens, Italian cabinetry, bathrooms, closets, and interior doors across the Miami Metropolitan area for many years. And just recently, the company has expanded to Palm Beach.



Molteni&C is the leading independent industrial group in the high-end furniture and kitchen design field with a 100% Italian-made production. The Group adheres to a constant investment in research and technological innovation, to give its products an intrinsic quality that lasts over time. Molteni&C is proud for the continuous collaboration with the most prestigious international architectural firms and designers.



Poltrona Frau was founded in Turin in 1912 and soon became not only a status symbol but also the supplier of the Italian Royal Family, the Savoia dynasty. Through the constant innovation of tradition, Poltrona Frau designs and produces high-end sofas and armchairs, beds, storage units, cabinets, chairs, tables, furnishing accessories, and directional systems, offering tastefully furnished environments that reflect the personality of those that use them. The company is committed to the pursuit of excellence and product quality through continuous research and innovation in all phases of the production process, consistently designing products that exude Italian tradition and style.



Visionnaire, founded by the company IPE, based in Bologna in 1959, is a meta-luxury brand of reference in the sector of interior design Made in Italy. With a flagship store in Miami, the brand operates in over 55 countries, thanks to over 30 exclusive mono-brand stores and a network of department stores and multibrand showrooms all over the world.





Limited capacity. Please, make sure to submit your registration form.


For further information:


Watch here the video of the past edition

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