Confapindustria Piacenza, trade association of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Province of Piacenza is very active in the business word in the center and north of Italy, in fact, in its territory Confapindustria Piacenza represents more than 300 companies of different sector, while in Italy Confapi ( the National Confederation) represents many thousands maufacturing enterprises.
Confapindustria recently organized, with the Piacenza’s University an important workshop on the flexible food packaging industry involving major companies like The Dow Chemical Company, Nordmeccanica Spa, NUMBER 1 Logistics Group S.p.A., GualapackGroup as well as many other local businesses.
The conference, which interested more than 200 participants, has allowed us to analyze the cooperation of a network chain that goes from the construction of machinery to logistics.
Just in recent days furthermore it took place the association’s annual meeting which saw starring in an interesting debate, after the report of the President Cristian Camisa, the Confapi’s national President Maurizio Casasco and Federico Ghizzoni, the Chief Executive of UniCredit, a leading European bank with an international network, who spoke about the relationship between banks and companies, but not only, also other important topics such as Bail In and the protection of savers, the European consequences of Brexit, the innovative startups, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partenrship (TTIP), and changes that would result in trade between the U.S. and E.U.
Get in touch with us and send an email to the attention of Mr. Andrea Paparo at for having further information about our association and upcoming initiatives.