Prosecco DOC Rosè

by Valdo USA

In 2020 a modification of the disciplinary rules that define the Prosecco DOC appellation was approved, allowing the production of the most popular sparkling wine in the world in a Rosé version. The only two grapes allowed are Glera (85-90%) and Pinot Nero (15-10%) harvested in the Prosecco DOC region which is an area in the North East of Italy encompassing 9 provinces:

Treviso, Venezia, Vicenza, Padova, Belluno in the Veneto region and Pordenone, Udine, Gorizia, Trieste in the Friuli region.

It is mandatory to display the vintage year on the label (Millesimato) and this wine will only be available “Spumante” version (therefore not semi-sparkling, or Frizzante).

In terms of sweetness level, Prosecco DOC Rosé can be made Brut (which means dry, 0-12 grams/liter of Residual Sugar) or Extra Dry (which is more sweet, 12-17 g/l RS)

Wines must follow the Charmat/Martinotti production method, in which the second fermentation that produces bubbles happens in pressurized steel tanks, rather than in individual bottles, as in Champagne.

Prosecco Rosé ages minimum 60 days in tanks to gain more flavor.

Valdo, leader of the Prosecco Spumante market in Italy and Germany, has launched the new Marca Oro Prosecco DOC Rosè Brut in the US market. Glera blends with Pinot Nero giving rise to a fresh and lively sparkling wine with elegant fine bubbles obtained after 90 days Martinotti Method and a refined silky pink colour.

It features a persistent mousse and inviting aromas reminiscent of apple and small red fruits

The flavour is delicate, interwoven with fruity sensations, pleasantly harmonious and with a lingering finish.

With a moderate alcohol of 11%, it is perfect as an aperitif wine and it can also be paired througout the whole meal with white fish and Mediterranean cuisine.

It should be served in a large-stem glass, at a temperature of 4-6°C.


Possible Tax Developments under the New Biden Administration

by Salcedo Attoneys at LAW PA

The new Biden administration was sworn on January 20, 2021 and quickly began implementing its agenda of measures intended to contrast the health and economic fallout caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is possible that, when the COVID-19 emergency has settled, the Biden administration may turn its attention to making changes to some key tax provisions. Some of these possible changes as they were announced are summarized below.

Individual Income Tax

The current top rate for individuals’ federal income tax is 37%. The Biden camp has proposed to raise such rate to 39.6% for taxpayers whose income exceeds $400,000. Also, long term capital gains which currently enjoy a favorable reduced rate of 20% would be taxed at the applicable ordinary income tax rate.

Corporate Income Tax

One of the TCJA’s most publicized changes was the introduction of a flat 21% rate for corporations’ income. During his campaign, President Biden proposed to raise such rate to 28%. Also, income derived abroad by U.S. corporations will continue being subject to the minimum tax regime established under the GILTI provisions of the TCJA. The GILTI minimum rate would increase from 10.5% to 21% under a proposal of the Biden camp.

Estate Tax

The estate tax has been one of the areas in which the two candidates’ differences became more apparent. The TCJA had introduced a historically high exemption for the estate tax, currently standing at $11.7 million for U.S. domiciliaries, which thanks to a portability provision can be effectively doubled for spouses. The Biden camp proposed to reduce the estate tax exemption to $3.5 million and to increase the top estate tax rate to 45%. Another proposal suggested that there would no longer be a free “step-up” in the basis of capital assets held at death or that there would be automatic income realization at death. There has been no mention of changes to the very low ($60,000) exemption currently applicable to non-U.S. domiciliaries.


2 New Guidebooks for Italian entrepreneurs

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast has lately developed two new market researches, focusing on key sectors for Italian export in the US market.

The first research deeply analyzes the American wine market, allowing readers to get a clear glimpse of the present state, the current trends and the foreseeable future for one of the fastest growing segments of Italian exports in the USA, which was worth around 1.9 billion dollars in 2020.

This 40 pages’ research analyzes all the main aspects of the market, including consumption trends, distribution system, labelling, key players and more.

The second market study focuses on the biggest retailer in the world, Amazon, and its grocery section. The research features chapters specifically tailored for Italian food and beverage companies trying to access this platform for boosting their online sales in the USA. In 2020 Online groceries sales in America reached an all-time record of 89 billion dollars.

This 30 pages’ research examines the steps a company should do to become a vendor on Amazon USA . including legal, marketing and operational aspects, before going in depth in what makes products stand out on the platform, focusing on concepts like keywords definition and packaging solutions, while also providing numerous examples for the reader to learn from.

Both guidebooks are now available for purchasing at the price of $350 each (20% discount available for IACCSE members only). Please find here below a preview of the topics covered in both market research.

Please send your purchasing request to

The IACCSE promotes the new B2B platform dedicated to the best artisans from Tuscany

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast is glad to present the new project created by Tuscany Regional Government and Artex (Centro per l’Artigianato artistico e tradizionale della Toscana): is the innovative platform to meet the best of Made in Tuscany’ and get to know companiesorganize virtual meetings, communicate directly with the companies and download all their catalogues.

Products include furniture, lighting, contract, home-decoration, table and kitchen, gift and lifestyle ideas, unique and custom-made pieces.

Catalogues are constantly updated to offer the latest products of Tuscan artisanship.

Every product page includes its useful information as technical specifications and request forms.

Do you want to offer your clients the most unique and hidden gems of Tuscany?

Visit the website at and register as a buyer by clicking on the following link:

Pick up your favorite companies and start trading!

For more information on the project or about the activities that the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast organizes in the furniture and lifestyle sector, please contact us at:




Nell’ambito del continuo impegno della Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast nel promuovere le opportunità di business per le aziende italiane nello Stato della Georgia, il 10 marzo, la IACCSE- Georgia Chapter sarà partner del webinar: “Successo in Georgia: come lo fanno gli italiani”, organizzato dal Georgia Department of Economic Development, in collaborazione il Consolato Generale d’Italia a Miami.

Parteciperanno come nostri rappresentanti: il Dott. Eugenio Fumo, Vice Presidente del IACCSE Georgia Chapter e CEO di Jas USA e i nostri soci il Dott. Ryan Kurtz di Miller & Martin e il Dott. Commercialista Filiberto Calascibetta di Roedl & Partners nonché’ Console Onorario d’Italia ad Atlanta.

Testimonial d’eccezione sarà la Dott.ssa Veronica Squinzi, CEO di Mapei

L’evento digitale sarà una occasione utile per conoscere più a fondo la realtà delle imprese italiane che già operano con successo nella Georgia, area di grande interesse economico e con una marcata specializzazione sull’industria manifatturiera (macchinari, automotive, automazioni industriali)

La registrazione è gratuita tramite il link:

Voucher internazionalizzazione 2021 – III ed.

by EXP Legal


Il voucher per l’internazionalizzazione, gestito da Invitalia per conto del MAECI, è rivolto alle micro e piccole imprese (MPI) che vogliono espandersi o consolidarsi sui mercati esteri.

Possono richiedere il contributo le MPI manifatturiere (codice Ateco C) con sede legale in Italia, anche costituite in forma di rete.

Cosa finanzia

Il voucher finanzia le spese sostenute per usufruire di consulenze da parte di Temporary Export Manager (TEM) con competenze anche digitali, inseriti temporaneamente in azienda e iscritti nell’apposito elenco del Ministero degli Esteri.

Le prestazioni devono avvenire nell’ambito di un contratto di consulenza manageriale della durata di 12 mesi per le micro e piccole imprese e della durata di 24 mesi per le reti.

La consulenza dei Temporary Export Manager deve essere finalizzata a supportare i processi di internazionalizzazione attraverso:

  1. analisi e ricerche sui mercati esteri;
  2. individuazione e acquisizione di nuovi clienti;
  3. assistenza nella contrattualistica per l’internazionalizzazione;
  4. incremento della presenza nelle piattaforme di e-commerce;
  5. integrazione dei canali di marketing online;
  6. gestione evoluta dei flussi logistici.

Come funziona

Il contributo è concesso in regime “de minimis”:

  • 20.000 euro alle micro e piccole imprese a fronte di un contratto di consulenza di importo non inferiore, al netto dell’Iva, a 30.000 euro;
  • 40.000 euro alle reti a fronte di un contratto di consulenza di importo non inferiore, al netto dell’Iva, a 60.000 euro.

È possibile ricevere un contributo aggiuntivo di 10.000 euro se si raggiungono i seguenti risultati sui volumi di vendita all’estero:

  • incremento di almeno il 15% del volume d’affari derivante da operazioni verso paesi esteri registrato nell’esercizio 2022, rispetto allo stesso volume d’affari registrato nell’esercizio 2021;
  • incidenza – nell’esercizio 2022 – almeno pari al 6% del volume d’affari derivante da operazioni verso paesi esteri sul totale del volume d’affari.

La domanda

La domanda si potrà presentare esclusivamente online tramite procedura informatica, attraverso il link alla piattaforma web che sarà pubblicato sul sito di Invitalia.

La prima finestra temporale sarà attiva dalle ore 10.00 del 9 marzo 2021 alle ore 17.00 del 22 marzo 2021 per compilare la domanda, firmarla digitalmente e caricarla sul sistema. La successiva finestra temporale sarà attiva dal 25 marzo al 15 aprile 2021, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 17.00, con esclusione dei giorni festivi e prefestivi. L’orario di arrivo, prodotto su apposita ricevuta, determinerà l’ordine cronologico di ammissione ai contributi.

Lo Studio EXP Legal è a disposizione delle aziende per raccogliere le manifestazioni di interesse all’ottenimento del voucher e la predisposizione del programma di internazionalizzazione richiesto in fase di presentazione della domanda.



The IACCSE is glad to introduce its latest online initiative created for professional services firms interested in reaching Italian investors and exporters of the interior design and food & beverage industries


21-23 April, 2021

two digital seminars organized in two different days, each one focused on a specific industry – interior design and food & beverage – to introduce to the Italian SMEs the opportunities of one of the most important and dynamic markets in the world: the United States.

Selected experts will have the opportunity to participate as speakers to talk about commercial, trade, administrative, financial and fiscal matters linked to the expansion of a company in the U.S. market.

The event includes one-on-one speed meetings between the attendees and the speakers organized on a dedicated online platform on day 3.

The promotion of the initiative will reach an audience of 50,000 entrepreneurs and managers of Italian SMEs thanks to the partnerships with the prestigious Economy Magazine and Assocamerestero (Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad).








For more information, please contact

Meeting with the Italian Chamber in Mexico

On Thursday, February 11th, the IACCSE invites its members to participate to the networking event, ‘International Business Roundtable’, to explore new opportunities both in Mexico and the South-East of the United States while listening to first-hand testimonies of Italian companies that are developing projects in these areas and sharing opinions and information with other entrepreneurs.
The event will start with an introduction of the two Chambers’ presidents Tommaso Cardana (IACCSE President) and Lorenzo Vianello (President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Mexico). Afterwards, top-level managers from Fincantieri (naval costruction), Pininfarina (design-real estate), Pirelli (automotive) and Stevanato Group (pharmaceuticals) will share their experiences in the market with the audience before opening up a discussion in which participants have the chance to share personal knowledge, idea or questions.
The Mexican economy is made up of 130 million consumers. More than 90% of Mexican trade is under free trade agreements with many countries, including the European Union, and much of Central and South America. However, its most important agreement is the USMCA signed in 2020 by Canada, Mexico, and United Stated to replace the previous North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
According to the Mexican Ministry of Economy, about 1,600 Italian companies operate in Mexico, and approximately 150 have production plants. The flow of Italian investments in the country has increased significantly, totaling more than US$1 billion, which makes Italy the fifth-leading source of FDI to Mexico after the US, Canada, Spain and Germany. Starting from last year’s tax-free trade agreement between the European Union and Mexico, many renowned Italian companies laid down long-term plans for new investments in Mexico, and our participants will have the chance to hear some of them during the meeting.
Join us* to widen your company’s horizons and listen to Italian managers with specific experience in both markets.
*the meeting will be in Italian and is an exclusive event open only to IACCSE members

5GSEC – Implication of 5G in the Cybersecurity of your Company

Register now to the upcoming IACCSE Webinar on cyber-security!
Join us for the free webinar presented by Digitance on Thursday, February 4th at 11:30 AM.
Topic: “5GSEC – Implication of 5G in the Cybersecurity of your Company
– The Pros and Cons of 5G
– Understanding the impact of 5G on companies’ security as the world moves closer to widespread adoption of this new wireless technology
– Training opportunities on the fundamental issues of security of 5G infrastructures and related applications.
– Continuing Education Program on 5G Cybersecurity promoted by ‘Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni’
Roberto Garagozzo, Chairman of Board – Digitance
Stefano Salsano, Coordinator of the Bachelor’s degree ‘Internet Engeneering’ and of the Master’s degree ‘ICT and Internet Engeneering’ – University of Rome, Tor Vergata
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021 | 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM East Coast Time
REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE (free admission):…/5gsec-implication-of-5g-in…
If you are a IACCSE Member and you would like to share your expertise with our business community, contact us at to discover how to present your own webinar with the support of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast.

Second Draw PPP Loan Approved by SBA

On January 15th, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has begun accepting applications for the second round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans.
To be eligible for a second PPP loan — which cannot exceed $2 million — a business must have 300 employees or fewer, have previously received a First Draw PPP Loan, have used or will soon use all of the money from its previous PPP loan, and can demonstrate a 25% reduction in gross receipts between comparable quarters in 2019 and 2020. Keep in mind that alternative calculations are provided for applicants that were not in business for all of 2019.
For most applicants, the maximum loan amount of a Second Draw PPP Loan is 2.5x the average monthly 2019 or 2020 payroll. For borrowers in the Accommodation/Food Services industry, the maximum loan amount for a Second Draw PPP Loan is 3.5x the average monthly 2019 or 2020 payroll costs. Both always up to $2 million, as previously mentioned.
The applicant must submit documentation able to establish that the applicant experienced a reduction in revenue on a quarter year-over-year basis, at the time of application, on or before the date of the loan forgiveness application, or at SBA’s request. Such documentation may include relevant tax forms, a copy of quarterly income statements or bank statements.
We expect participating lenders to accept applications across various formats and timeframes. Businesses should consider where to apply, evaluate eligibility, and gather the appropriate documentation for the respective applications.
ZOMMA Group has established a dedicated team that is continuously monitoring new guidance from the SBA, the Treasury, Congress, and the IRS, to ensure we have the latest information when advising our clients. To discuss your eligibility for a Second Draw PPP Loan and/or accurately calculate your borrowing capacity, feel free to contact us.

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