By Ontier

For some years now, there has been a lot of discussion about sustainable fashion, but it seems that more and more brands are finally joining in. But, what actually is sustainable fashion and what relationship does it have in an increasingly digitized world?

Sustainable fashion is one that respects the environment and society in all its phases: from conception, to production, through distribution to sale. This fashion proposal tries to work with less polluting raw materials, reduce production waste such as water and electricity costs, and produce durable pieces, stimulating conscious consumption. Furthermore, this model proposes a more humane production, without exploitation of labor and with a more equitable remuneration.

The fashion industry has been talking about sustainability for years, but there was a lack of measures to help companies to be sustainable. Nowadays, with technological advances, we will be able to close the gap between sustainable fashion and fast fashion/virtual/e-commerce. We have also begun to see a change in the attitude of governments, big corporations, and in the consumer’s minds (an awareness) towards sustainability. It is seen as something accessible, possible and needed.

In this area, Industry 4.0 will be able to bring numerous advantages to the fashion industry, thanks to new advances in technology and new production processes: less polluting and more durable materials can be created, production processes can be more effective by intelligently using the data collected from consumers, reducing use of raw materials, thus reducing not only costs but also the environment impact. In general terms, it is important that before implementing a digitization strategy, an analysis of all the legal aspects that may affect it is carried out.

Sustainable (or eco-sustainable) fashion fits perfectly into a broader concept of Society 5.0: a society characterized by caring for people and their well-being, by developing an ecosystem favorable to innovation and the development of new technologies. Digitization can further help accelerate all these sustainable goals, as they are also helpful in maintaining certain vital health standards which are key nowadays.

It is a challenging time but there are many opportunities ahead. And, as Susan Scafidi, an American lawyer and the first professor to offer a Fashion Law course, says, “where there is life, there is fashion.”

ONTIER has created a fashion and luxury department and a representative team from Rome, Madrid and Miami participated at the Miami Fashion Week last June, which was held virtually this year along with Univision. To see the complete speech of our team talking about sustainability and innovation, you can click on the following link:

If you need more information about this or need assistance with any legal concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at:


Christie García –

Country Manager

Marta Corbí –



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