EXP Legal webinars in partnership with the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast

By EXP Legal 


In a moment of crisis such as the one we are experiencing in recent months, thinking about new business internationalization strategies or export plans can be a winning choice, in a medium-long term, especially for Italian SMEs that may struggle to regain large market shares in the domestic market.

In this context, despite all the problems deriving from the epidemiological emergency, the United States remain the first commercial partner of Made in Italy among the non-EU countries and the third Italian commercial partner at worldwide level.

With a total of 42.4 billion euros of exports, 2018 closed with an increase in Italian sales to the USA of 5% compared to 2017. The provisional data for 2019 show an increase compared to 2018 of 6.5% (SACE-Simest data).

Furthermore, despite the fact that in March 2020, for the commercial exchange with non-EU27 countries, a clear reduction was recorded both for Italian exports (-13.9%) and imports (-12.4%), the USA were the only market in which our exports grew in the first quarter of 2020 (+0.9%).


For these reasons, EXP Legal – Italian & International Firm, in partnership with the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast, has organized two webinars with the aim to provide companies with an overview of the business internationalization opportunities in the United States.

The topic of the first webinar will be “how to start a business in the USA”: from obtaining visas to establishing a branch/subsidiary and subsequent fulfilments. During the second online event a successful business case in the United States carried out by an Italian company will be analyzed in detail:

  • Fare impresa negli USA pt. 1: costituzione di una filiale e questioni legali, fiscali e di diritto dell’immigrazione (Monday, 8 June 2020 at 3:30 p.m., ITA time – zoom platform). Register here: https://bit.ly/3cdIFg4
  • Fare impresa negli USA pt. 2: analisi di un “business case” (Monday, 22 June 2020 at 3:30 p.m., ITA time – zoom platform). Register here: https://bit.ly/2AnzD36

The two webinars will be in Italian language.


For more information please contact the Firm at info@explegal.it.



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