Do you have a need for an INTERN? We’ve got you covered

Italy-America Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Consulate of Italy in Miami and ODLI is promoting an exciting internship program for our Members!

The program includes local students currently enrolled in Italian language studies in High-schools (K-12) and Universities.

Based on the specific request of each company, the Education Office of the Consulate of Italy will identify the right candidate for the position.

At the end of the internship program, each student will provide a complete review and feedback about the internship experience and best practices will be showcased throughout the IACCSE and the Consulate of Italy in Miami’s online resources.

If you are interested in joining this initiative, please download and fill out the form at this link.

Please e-mail it back to by April 15th, 2020.

This is a WIN-WIN opportunity for both the participating Member and the students.

This initiative will be an opportunity for our Members to have access to valuable and motivated young trainees.

This experience also enriches the student’s career pathand enables the development of Italian studies in Florida.


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