2 New Guidebooks for Italian entrepreneurs

The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast has lately developed two new market researches, focusing on key sectors for Italian export in the US market.

The first research deeply analyzes the American wine market, allowing readers to get a clear glimpse of the present state, the current trends and the foreseeable future for one of the fastest growing segments of Italian exports in the USA, which was worth around 1.9 billion dollars in 2020.

This 40 pages’ research analyzes all the main aspects of the market, including consumption trends, distribution system, labelling, key players and more.

The second market study focuses on the biggest retailer in the world, Amazon, and its grocery section. The research features chapters specifically tailored for Italian food and beverage companies trying to access this platform for boosting their online sales in the USA. In 2020 Online groceries sales in America reached an all-time record of 89 billion dollars.

This 30 pages’ research examines the steps a company should do to become a vendor on Amazon USA . including legal, marketing and operational aspects, before going in depth in what makes products stand out on the platform, focusing on concepts like keywords definition and packaging solutions, while also providing numerous examples for the reader to learn from.

Both guidebooks are now available for purchasing at the price of $350 each (20% discount available for IACCSE members only). Please find here below a preview of the topics covered in both market research.

Please send your purchasing request to info@iacc-miami.com

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